Is there Afterlife?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Becoming 19.

Just one day after my birthday, It's assessment week. How unlucky can one get? Turning 19 and soon to hit the THE BIG NUMBER 2. Time flies and very soon, I will be out of NAFA. Attachment wise, I will love to work for Caffeine Creative or Originasian Pictures if my cousin wants to hire me. Or if I have left with no choice, I will consider working as a behind the scene for the Split crew. Nothing exciting happened lately, a few people turned 21... including YOU.

The only thing I want for my birthday is to be together with YOU. I want to be YOUR one and only. I hope my wish will come true so that I can be together with you........

Nick 3:16™ wishes that he will be together with YOU........=)